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NFT Creation

Collection of projects created to share with our wonderful NFT community. Interact with the interactive collections and keep track of your NFT.

(First Interactive collection coming soon)

Fractured Polyverse

Something is occurring in the polyverse anomalies are happening. Fractures are appearing. What is causing this? Find out as you go deeper. This collection consist of unique AI generated fractal photos. The beauty of math in physical form.

Fractured Etherverse

The etherverse is also experiencing anomalies and fractures. The etherverse has fewer but more intense cracks. Is there a solution? This collection consist of 2k different AI generated animated fractal gif. Using some of my algorithms for generation then converting them to gif. Will AI take over one day? Probably.


A Collection from my heart. The originals were created by my mom on paper to relieve stress. I have chosen the best way I can think of to preserve her works through time. Each original has multiple color variations colorized one by one on the computer by hand so that a varied collection can be established from her work

Fractured Omniverse

These specific anomalies have being seen beyond space. Located in what we consider the unknown. Small in number from what we can see but just as mysterious as others observed elsewhere.This collection consist of 500 AI generated fractal photos.

Fractured Universe

The anomalies of the polyverse and etherverse have entered our universe.

1k mix of Polyverse and Etherverse available spread among various other marketplaces


Collection of unique ants who were evolved by a strange explosion

Bid offers are accepted before reveal of NFTs. Try your luck!

Release Date Upcoming

This project allows you to combine NFT to create a new NFT. Private Mint and Free Mint available

Coming soon!!

This will be a large interactive collection. Currently being worked on. Sadly I am only one person patience is golden. Stay tune!!
