The anomalies of the polyverse and etherverse have entered our universe. Very few breaches to our space but hard to pin down. 1k Mix of Polyverse and etherverse available spread among varius other marketplaces non collection such as Mintable, Rarible . This collection consist of 1k different AI generated fractal photos and animations. They are spread among different marketplaces and might be found in less used block chains. They are all numbered to keep track. Will eventually be shown here to be traceable. Better resolution on IPFS available through unlockable content. Being part of the mystery gives a chance to receive free future NFT releases related to this series of collections. Just like the Fractured Polyverse and Fractured Etherverse I plan this as a slow release. Properties are separated by anomaly type with each class representing a certain pattern in that anomaly and tint will be added when the overall color leans towards a certain direction.

  • Project State: Ongoing
  • Collection Total: 1k
Available on MINTABLE

Available on Rarible