From Mom for mom

Available On OPENSEA

This collection is dedicated to artwork from my mother who grew up in NYC. She had a rough life from having me in her teens with a older man that was suppose to be her guidance counselor, me being taken away by her parents from her, homelessness, abused by boyfriends, having another child by another man that left to finally finding a man that stuck by her only for him to eventually need a transplant & received this year but she has to work hard helping him to finally having her basement flooded by Ida. Her life being hard since she was born. She told me when she just wants to take a break she draws to calm her mind down. Her and technology do not mix. They're completely on opposite ends of the spectrum. After some explaining I decided to list some of the artwork she made in there original hand drawn form as NFT so that she may live forever on the blockchain as a monument to all those out there that struggle so hard to try to find a little light. Love u mom, from your son.

  • Network: Ethereum
  • Cryptocurrency: Ether
  • Project State: Ongoing
  • Collection Total: To Be Determined